Budovanie charakteru

Prednášky Budovanie charakteru

Kniha Budovanie charakteru v SR jazyku (.pdf)

 Budovanie charakteru 1-37, 

Stephen Wallace, zapnite si slovenske titulky

Character Building Seminar: 1 "Spiritual Things...Are Spiritually Discerned"

Character Building Seminar: 2 "The Glory of the Lord"

Character Building Seminar: 3 "As He Thinks In His Heart"

Character Building Seminar: 4 "God Has Shown Us His Glory"

Character Building Seminar: 5 "Created For My Glory"

Character Building Seminar: 6 "All...Come Short of the Glory"

Character Building Seminar: 7 "For the Obtaining of the Glory"

Character Building Seminar: 8 "We Beheld His Glory"

Character Building Seminar: 9A "The Brightness of His Glory"

Character Building Seminar: 9B "The Brightness of His Glory"

Character Building Seminar: 10 "I Have Glorified You"

Character Building Seminar: 11 "Justified By His Blood"

Character Building Seminar: 12 "The Righteousness of God In Him"

Character Building Seminar: 13 "Sanctify...With the Washing of Water"

Character Building Seminar: 14A "The Lord Our Righteousness"

Character Building Seminar: 14B "The Lord Our Righteousness"

Character Building Seminar: 15: "So Send I You"

Character Building Seminar: 16: "Written ...On Tablets of Flesh"

Character Building Seminar: 17: "Keep Your Heart With All Diligence"

Character Building Seminar: 18: "The Lord Looks At the Heart"

Character Building Seminar: 19: "The Law Was Our Schoolmaster"

Character Building Seminar: 20 "Create In Me A Clean Heart"

Character Building Seminar: 21 "The Flesh Lusts Against the Spirit"

Character Building Seminar: 22A "Let Him Be Righteous Still"

Character Building Seminar: 22B "Let Him Be Righteous Still"

Character Building Seminar: 23 "Let Him Be Holy Still"

Character Building Seminar: 24 "Fight the Good Fight of Faith"

Character Building Seminar: 25 "I Die Daily"

Character Building Seminar: 26 "Choose You This Day"

Character Building Seminar: 27 "I Can Do All Things Through Christ"

Character Building Seminar: 28 "When Desire Has Conceived"

Character Building Seminar: 29 "You Shall Know the Truth"

Character Building Seminar: 30 "Make No Provision For the Flesh"

Character Building Seminar: 31 "Turn Away My Eyes"

Character Building Seminar: 32 "Looking Unto Jesus"

Character Building Seminar: 33 "Think On These Things"

Character Building Seminar: 34 "Your Thoughts Will Be Established"

Character Building Seminar: 35 "Slow to Speak, Slow to Wrath"

Character Building Seminar: 36 "Let the Words of My Mouth..."

Character Building Seminar: 37 "Out of the Abundance of the Heart"

3.A.P. - Eliáš doby konca
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